It was with sadness that the Atari Community woke up to the news yesterday that long-time Atari enthusiast and community stalwart Curt Vendel had passed.
Curt leaves behind his wife Michele and their daughter Madison. Curt was aged just 53 and had been a strong presence in the Atari community for many years. Founder of the Atari Museum, Curt could always be found exhibiting an impressive selection of Atari hardware at computing events across the States.
His funeral service will take place on the 8th of September in New York. His passing leaves a hole in the Atari community that will be difficult to fill. Having worked for some years on the Atari 7800 XM Expansion Module, we thought it fitting to show our tribute to Curt with a photo of the Atari 7800, the Atari system that was closest to his heart.
Rest in peace Curt.